(508) 627-4421
At Federated Church of Martha's Vineyard, we believe a healthy community is an active community. Take a look at our many opportunities to volunteer, to participate in social events and to take part in learning and growing together.
Joyful Eatings and Harbor Homes
Homeless Prevention Programs
Finishes Another Successful Season!
Joyful Eatings wrapped up a very successful season on April 14. This program brings professional island chefs and volunteers together each Sunday afternoon to creatively prepare a meal for the Harbor Homes overnight shelter. Volunteer 'sous chefs' learn some yummy recipes, enjoy a tasting, and help provide a delicious, nutritious meal for some of the most vulnerable members of our community.
To spread the love a little further, we published a beautiful recipe book last year and a new one this year, covering all the printing costs so that 100% of sales proceeds were donated to Harbor Homes. !
Joyful Eatings is generously supported by
Kick-off Event
on Sunday, July 28
11:00 AM!
We're super excited to invite you to the kickoff event for the Joyful Eatings cookbook Second Edition! It's filled with all the marvelous recipes that were prepared last season by top island chefs and volunteers for the Harbor Homes overnight shelter guests. Get your copy (and several more for gifts!), enjoy a tasting of some of the scrumptious recipes, and learn more about the important work done by Harbor Homes that helps some of the most vulnerable members of our community.
Where: The Federated Church of Martha's Vine, 45 South Summer St., Edgartown
When: Sunday, July 28 at 11:00 AM (or join us for worship at 10:00 AM too!)
What: Recipe tasting, booksale, Harbor Homes presentation and Q&A
All printing costs have been underwritten by the Federated Church so that 100% of the proceeds will go to support Harbor Homes homeless prevention programs.
If you know anyone struggling with homelessness on the MV, send an email to
Harbor Homes of Martha's Vineyard for more help: homelessprevention@harborhomes.org or call (774) 563-3687
Everyone will enjoy the 'tasting' of recipes prepared from the Joyful Eatings Cookbook!
Frederick Douglass Historic Speech Live Reading
Federated Church Meetinghouse
July 5 at 11:00 am
It was another stirring live reading of Frederick Douglass's speech, "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July at the Federated Church, a designated stop on the MV African American Heritage Trail. Each year, we celebrate Independence Day with this important commemoration of Douglass's landmark speech.
Born into slavery about 1818, Douglass later successfully escaped north to Massachusetts at age twenty and became the voice against slavery. Fearing capture and re-enslavement, Douglass went to England, continued to exclaim against slavery, and raised enough money to buy his freedom to return to America. He settled in Rochester, NY and became a champion of equality and freedom for enslaved people. Douglass also was active in the women’s suffrage movement and established a newspaper that centered its focus on fundamental human rights and the intersection between slavery, the treatment of black people, and women. He had become a man of international stature and was perhaps the most important person to speak at the Federated Church and on Martha’s Vineyard in the 19th century.